
Voices of the Future: Involving Children in Global Policymaking

Voices of the Future: Involving Children in Global Policymaking

Key Points:

  1. Children's Councils: Establish councils composed of children from diverse backgrounds to provide input on global policies.

  2. Education and Awareness: Educate children on global issues and policy-making processes to ensure informed participation.

  3. Regular Consultations: Implement regular consultations with these councils to gather insights and opinions from the younger generation.

  4. Impact on Future Policies: Ensure that children's voices are considered in the decision-making process, especially for policies that will significantly impact their future.

  5. Empowerment and Respect: This policy aims to empower children and respect their perspectives as valuable contributions to global discussions.

Policy Song:

Through the eyes of the young, a world anew,
Voices rising, fresh like the morning dew.
Dreams and hopes, in their words, we find,
A future shaped by the brightest minds.

"Listen to the Children," their voices ring,
In their words, the future takes wing.
A seat at the table, where they belong,
In the chorus of change, their voices strong.

Voices of the Future: Involving Children in Global Policymaking